Beer tasting workshop - In an unusual beer bar in Nice Activity


Follow Mathieu or Fanny in a tasting, learn how to taste and talk about a good beer.

- Presentation of beer, origin and production

- The steps to taste a beer, what vocabulary to use...

- Tasting and exchange, aromas and different processes

You will be offered a glass of each beer and a snack.

6 beers on the programme!

The place: The first interactive and connected beer bar in Nice!

In the centre of the bar, 12 self-service beer taps. You serve yourself when you want, the quantity you want.

With your credit card, choose the style of glass that suits you on the counter to serve you the beer of your choice. Payment is by the centilitre, which allows you to test several beers and find the one you like best.

On each tap, a screen guides you through the flavours and notes of your chosen beer.

maximum 20 people.

Post review

3 Quai des Deux Emmanuels, 06300 Nice

Cancellation policy


Toute annulation par l’Explorateur dans un délai :

  • inférieur à 48h avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, ne donne droit à aucun remboursement
  • supérieur ou égal à 48h avant le début de l’Expérience réservée donne droit au remboursement de 100 % du montant de la Réservation.
A partir de 20/pers.
Durée : 01h30
Price per person: N/A
Reserved place: N/A
Total: N/A
Gift card

Whereez' guarantees

  • Best price guaranteed

  • No reservation fees

  • Tested and approved by Whereez

  • Secure transaction

  • Customer service 7d/7

  • 100% local
