Funcamp, the sports and leisure Olympics Activity


Are you not afraid of getting dirty or breaking the rules for an unusual group activity combining sport and fun?

The Funcamp combines sport and fun by having 2 teams compete in sport and game events adapted to all levels and sometimes out of the ordinary in order to share a moment of cohesion, effort and fun.

Always supervised by professionals of the sports animation, no particular physical condition is required.

Examples of challenges proposed:

- Melee

- Back to back race

- Tug of war

- The egg crossing

- Unusual rugby

- Limbo

- Cake race

- Backpack relay

- Balloon Blast

- Jumping and crawling

- Egg toss

- Blind man's race

- Single file

- Relay Yoghurt slurping

- Parachute sprint

- Drunken relay

- PQ relay

- The cart

- Fetch

- Human pyramid

- Drown your single life

Prices: 1 hour => 15€/pers.

135€ for a group of 10 (one free place for every 10 people)

2h00 => 30€/pers.

270€ for a group of 10 (one free seat for every 10 participants)

Post review

Parc de la Tête d'or 69006 Lyon

Cancellation policy


Toute annulation par l’Explorateur dans un délai :

  • inférieur à 48h avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, ne donne droit à aucun remboursement
  • supérieur ou égal à 48h avant le début de l’Expérience réservée donne droit au remboursement de 100 % du montant de la Réservation.
A partir de 15/pers.
Durée : 02h
Price per person: N/A
Reserved place: N/A
Total: N/A
Gift this experience.

Whereez' guarantees

  • Best price guaranteed

  • No reservation fees

  • Tested and approved by Whereez

  • Secure transaction

  • Customer service 7d/7

  • 100% local
