Tesla Former session in Grenoble - Magnetic field training Activity


Treat yourself to a magnetic field bodybuilding session in Grenoble in this new cryotherapy centre which also offers teslatherapy!

This practice is finally possible in the capital of the Isère department! Ideal as a birthday gift, for an EVG-JF or for a surprise with friends!

1 hot drink (tea, infusion or coffee) or a cold drink offered after your session.

TESLATHERAPY - Magnetic field training

The use of the magnetic field to refine your figure, destroy fat, remuscle, ... Without effort! Without pain! Without aches and pains!

Cure of 10 sessions! Clinically proven results!

What is the "Tesla Former" ?

TESLA Former uses functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) technology to deliver magnetic energy (3 Tesla) to the muscle nerves. The energy delivered causes the muscle to instantly contract to 100% of its strength, a process better known as supramaximal contraction. The levels of contraction achieved with TESLA Former are unattainable with conventional strength training. Exercising a muscle only allows it to reach up to 40% of its maximum potential! With TESLA Former, it is possible to reach 100%.

Prices - 1 person per session

1 session = 89€ per session

10 sessions = 790€ (79€ per session)

20 sessions = 1400€ (70€ per session)

The Centre also offers cryotherapy. See here : Link

And infratherapy (infrared sauna). See here:Link

Post review

37 rue Monge 38100 Grenoble

Cancellation policy


Toute annulation par l’Explorateur dans un délai :

  • inférieur à 48h avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, ne donne droit à aucun remboursement
  • supérieur ou égal à 48h avant le début de l’Expérience réservée donne droit au remboursement de 100 % du montant de la Réservation.
A partir de 89/pers.
Durée : 00h30
Price per person: N/A
Reserved place: N/A
Total: N/A
Gift card

Whereez' guarantees

  • Best price guaranteed

  • No reservation fees

  • Tested and approved by Whereez

  • Secure transaction

  • Customer service 7d/7

  • 100% local
