
Agence spécialisée dans les activités à gyropodes Segway. Green & City Tours, campagne de publicité, street marketing, découvrez l’univers du gyropode Segway sur l’île de La Réunion.


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Gyropode Mobilboard: fun Segway ride

Discover and share a fun and unusual Segway experience!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Your EVJF / EVG : Challenges and prizes in Segway / Gyropode

Around several prizes, have fun on a Segway!
La Réunion
A partir de €69


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Segway tour in Cilaos - Cilaos Green Tour

Discover Cilaos in an unusual way on a Segway
La Réunion
A partir de €69


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Gyropod / Segway (St-Pierre, Etang-Salé, Volcan, Ermitage)

Discover and share a fun and unusual segway experience!
La Réunion
A partir de €39