Whereez - Events agency in Nice

Nice - Côte d'Azur - Image Header

Organise an unforgettable event in Nice

Get help organising your event in Nice!

Whereez can provide you with all the support you need to create unforgettable moments that you can enjoy as a team.

Hot right now in Nice - Côte d'Azur


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Virtual Reality Room - Several games to choose from

Nice - Côte d'Azur
A partir de €16


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Treasure hunt in Nice - Pirate's treasure

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Beer tasting workshop - In an unusual beer bar in Nice

Nice - Côte d'Azur
A partir de €20


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Treasure hunt - In search of the arts in Nice

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Flight simulator - Airliner or Fighter (Nice)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
A partir de €109


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Plant-based cooking workshop for children (Antibes)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
A partir de €40


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Team regatta: Incentive at sea

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Speedboat transfers (French Riviera)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Bubble Foot session (Frejus)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
A partir de €15


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Olympics and treasure hunt in a Mehari

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Group song: Writing & studio recording (Nice)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Sailboat trip with Skipper

Nice - Côte d'Azur
A partir de €143

Our Venues at Nice - Côte d'Azur

Find the perfect venue for your event with our selection of unique spaces: original venues, elegant restaurants, modern halls, lively bars or charming houses. Let us surprise you and offer your guests an unforgettable experience in an exceptional setting!


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Dockside events aboard a yacht (meals, DJ...)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Seminar at a flight simulator centre (Cagnes)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Seminar at a flight simulator centre (Nice)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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A yacht for your event (meal, DJ...)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Our Activities at Nice - Côte d'Azur

Discover a selection of unique and memorable activities for your events: original tours, captivating escape games, gourmet tastings or creative cooking workshops. Our event agency transforms your ideas into unforgettable experiences, tailored to your every whim!


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The 5 Senses Challenge

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Speedboat transfers (French Riviera)

Nice - Côte d'Azur
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Our Animations at Nice - Côte d'Azur

Bring a touch of originality to your events with spectacular entertainment: magicians, acrobats, dance shows, mobile bars, comedians or even live cooking shows. Let your guests experience magical, unforgettable moments thanks to our wide choice of captivating activities!



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A psychic at your event

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Our Caterers at Nice - Côte d'Azur

Make your events a real treat with our original caterers committed to a more responsible world. Whether it's for a birthday, wedding, seminar, christening or party, offer your guests a tasty and ethical culinary experience!

Our categories of original events

Explore a multitude of experiences designed for all tastes and occasions: moments of adventure, discovery and sharing, or moments of relaxation, celebration and creativity. Whatever your desire, you'll find the ideal activity to make every event unique and memorable.

Our events agency in Nice can help you organise all your business events: Company evenings - Launches - Seminars - Birthdays - End-of-year parties - Team Building - Team-building days

Our 100% made-to-measure offers are packaged to ensure high added-value services while respecting your budget. Let our partners surprise you by taking you on a journey from unusual places to unique experiences. Thanks to our selection of events and activities off the beaten track, you're sure to have an unforgettable time.

Why choose an event agency in Nice for your next corporate event?

At Whereez, our mission is to bring together incredible service providers to make your corporate events unique. Offer your staff memorable and unifying experiences, conducive to good relations and relaxation.

Your team buildings, seminars and other corporate events allow you to showcase and nurture your organisation's human potential and the ties that bind you together. That's why our events agency in Nice focuses on service providers who share our values... and yours. We're here to build moments of connection in perfect alignment with your CSR commitments and corporate culture.

Unusual venues for your corporate event in Nice

there's an ideal venue for every occasion. Discover some truly out-of-the-ordinary places to host your seminars, team-building workshops and corporate parties in an unusual atmosphere. Here are just a few examples:

Mama Shelter - THE trendy venue for your seminars

Mama stands out from the crowd by offering flexible, adaptable spaces to suit your corporate events, but with a festive, cheeky and resolutely youthful approach. As well as its warm, colourful and fully-equipped seminar rooms, Mama Shelter has a restaurant and bar, a rooftop, 102 rooms, an outdoor swimming pool, 2 workshops, 2 studios, a breakroom and a patio! Enough to host all your guests for a fun-filled Mama Party.

A superb yacht to enjoy the sea

Why not organise your next corporate event aboard a luxury yacht in the Bay of Angels? Our events agency in Nice offers this special format for your business cocktails and dinners, product launches, conferences and other special occasions. Entertainment, catering, decor, audiovisual equipment... everything is taken care of by the team on board!

Unforgettable activities to surprise your guests

Our events agency in Nice offers a huge selection of activities designed to surprise and delight your participants. Here are just a few examples:

A treasure hunt in the heart of Nice

Set off to find the treasure hidden somewhere in Nice by the infamous Mr Morgan-le-Noir, an 18th-century Nice pirate! Your Team Building invites you to discover the historic districts of the city in a different way, from the Place Masséna to the Promenade des Anglais, during an immersive adventure designed to stimulate team spirit and put your neurons to the test.

The 5 Senses Challenge

Our events agency in Nice offers you this gustatory, olfactory, visual, tactile and auditory workshop that invites you to take up a unique challenge. Trust your team-mates and let the sound of their voices be your guide: it's a great way to boost collective energy, consolidate communication and coordination, and discover yourself while having fun!

Olympics and a treasure hunt in a Mehari

The little sister of the "Deuche" is waiting to join you on an unforgettable treasure hunt. The legendary Mehari is at the centre of this astonishing activity, perfect for all your corporate events. The programme includes mystery rallies, discovery or tasting tours, races and lots of other surprises.

The benefits of Whereez, an event agency in Nice

Whereez, our events agency in Nice, offers you an innovative organisational approach.

- Our catalogue of responsible and unusual activities is updated every month, so there's always something new to surprise you.

- Our privileged partnerships with trusted service providers enable us to create tailor-made experiences for you.

- We'll be with you from A to Z, offering you all-inclusive packages. You can rely on our experience.

- Whereez provides you with a dedicated Event Manager from the moment you make your request right through to D-day.

- We focus on innovative and responsible themes to enhance your corporate events.


What makes a good events agency in Nice?

The best event agencies in Nice are those that understand that every company is unique. Choose human professionals who can share their experience with you and help you discover new venues, caterers and unusual experiences, while taking into account your constraints, preferences and objectives.

What kind of support should you choose to organise your corporate event?

To organise a truly unforgettable event, nothing beats a personalised approach. Choose support from A to Z, so you can be sure you'll think of everything!

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