Prizoners réunion

Prizoners, une évolution du Live Escape, est l’expérience ultime à vivre en équipe à la Réunion.

Transportés à des moments clés de l'Histoire par notre agence de voyage temporel, vous disposez de 60 minutes pour réaliser votre mission et orchestrer votre fuite. 


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VR Escape Game - Assassin's Creed - Prizoners

Discover Ubisoft's VR Escape Game in the world of Assassin's Creed Origins
La Réunion
A partir de €30


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Virtual Reality Escape Game - Incarna

Discover the 100% VR Escape Game at Prizoners Saint-Pierre
La Réunion
A partir de €30


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Murder Circus - The giant circus-themed investigation

Giant Murder Party-style investigation for large groups, with actors!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Silence on tourne - Giant Escape Game on the theme of cinema

Help the actors make the film, and solve the riddles!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Escape Game on the history of the island (+ Musical Quiz)

Experience some surprising riddles based on the history of Réunion Island!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Prizoners Escape Game : Operation Fournaise

Experience some surprising riddles based on the history of Réunion Island!
La Réunion
A partir de €30


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Live Escape Game - The Temple of Secrets

With 5 actors, solve the enigma of the Temple of Secrets!
La Réunion
On quotation


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The Duplantier Wedding - Team game

Save the marriage between Escape Game and immersive theatre!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Pirate Olympics - Challenges with actors

Pirate-themed Olympics for an unforgettable Team Building experience!
La Réunion
On quotation


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SquiiidGame Péi - The Team Building series

Why not put your teams through their paces with the challenges of the Netflix series?
La Réunion
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Cyber Defence - Thwart a cyber attack (team game)

An immersive investigative game with actors!
La Réunion
On quotation


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CSR Challenges, Games and Olympics - Playing for the planet

An ideal 3-part game to raise environmental awareness!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Giant outdoor Escape Game - With actors

A giant outdoor Escape Game, hosted by professional actors!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Murder Party - Giant Cluedo with actors

At the location of your choice, take part in Réunion's new investigation-adventure!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Prizoners Escape Game : The Buzzard's treasure

Experience some surprising riddles based on the history of Réunion Island!
La Réunion
A partir de €30