Lady sa muse

Des prestations “team building” et “parcours cohésion” ludiques, créatifs et artistiques pour les entreprises, organisations ou associations. Animation micro sur vos événements.


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The Biodiversity Fresco - CSR game

A fun and creative card game about saving the planet!
La Réunion
On quotation


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"The fabulous destiny of... your company" - Ice breaker workshops

A fun workshop on kindness and discovering others
La Réunion
On quotation


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Giant "Who is it?" - Corporate ice breaker

An Ice Breaker based on one of the best-loved games of childhood!
La Réunion
On quotation


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A microphone presenter at your event

Bring an atmosphere to your event!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Mon entreprise a un incroyable talent - Artistic challenges

Reproduce the famous TV show within your company!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Escape Game in the forest - A disturbing disappearance

In the Etang-Salé forest, be the first team to solve the riddle!
La Réunion
On quotation


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Art Therapy Workshop - Vision panel

Spread magazines across your table... cut, paste and create your "dream picture"!
La Réunion
On quotation