
A flight or driving simulator for your events! Fighter planes, touring planes, Formula 1 or GT, take the controls!

In Paris, Nice and all over France. Real aircraft simulators at your corporate event. Ideal for evening events or team building, take the controls of a plane and soar into the clouds!

Our pilots take the fighter, airliner or aerobatic aircraft simulators out of the hangars and come straight to you.

In just a few hours, there's an airport on your premises and you're the pilot!

We offer a range of mobile flight and aerobatic simulators, in different sizes, so you can experience the sensations and emotions of a pilot.

Put yourself in the shoes of a pilot and take to the controls of the plane to fly to one of the 24,000 destinations on offer, in the weather conditions of your choice.

Accompanied by an instructor, take to the skies!

It's an immersive and unique experience for several people, for personal or professional events!

Flight simulators available:

- DR300: General Aviation. Take to the skies over your home!

- F35A/B/C: American fighter plane. Landings, hovering, aerial combat...

- A32X: The airliner! A little trip to Dubai? An approach to Reunion Island?

- MIRAGE 2000: French fighter plane! Put its manoeuvrability and agility to the test in the field of operations.

- EXTRA300 EN VR: Aerobatics, underwater and on jacks! For adrenaline junkies!


Take the controls of Lockheed Martin's latest F35-B and develop your missile-firing, landing and vertical-landing skills. Hundreds of possible scenarios to delight your customers.

Fancy some virtual reality? Our VR simulators will give you the most immersive experience available, with or without actuators! Looping, paradise trips to the Seychelles, flying over Dubai... escape from everyday life with the many possible scenarios.

How does it work?

We deliver, install, pamper and test the simulators before the first customers arrive! And if anything goes wrong, we'll come and help you out in a fighter jet.

At the end of the event, we throttle up and clean the runway as we go.

From the age of 8, and with no experience necessary, you're at the controls!

Hello Papa Tango Charlie, you're all set for take-off. Our pilots put Tom Cruise in the shade: handsome, passionate and skilful, they accompany customers in the simulator and make those who wait dream.

We know all about organisation. We get out the checklists and off we go! Whether there are 5 or 50 of you, we'll draw up a flight plan to suit your team, budget and time.

Briefing: Pilots, report! We brief you before you take the controls: instruments, flight controls and professional tips. By the time you leave the simulator, you'll be a real pilot.

Piloting: who's next? At the controls of the simulators, you're the captain, and our instructor will whisper the latest pro tips in your ear. With 24,000 destinations in stock, we promise you the best, and if you're good, we'll take you on a night flight in the rain.

Debriefing: Once the plane is back on the ground, we debrief you. Communication, fuel management, sense of direction, responsiveness, piloting skill... we'll tell you all about your performance. Goodies guaranteed for the best, and if you haven't managed to land the plane yet, we'll let you have the keys.

Practical information for the logistics and assembly of the simulator:

For 1 simulator, allow :

- 1h30 of patience, while we tighten the bolts.

- 90cm wide passageways

- A 4m x 4m landing strip

- 2.5m cloud ceiling

- 2 PC16 power sockets

- A heavy-duty hoist if you need it for your lovely kilos.

- An arbour if outside.


75001 Paris

Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Paris, Autres villes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon, Normandie, Hautes-Alpes, Nice - Côte d'Azur

Les garanties Whereez

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No reservation fees
  • Services tested and approved by Whereez
  • Secured transactions
  • Service 7 days a week
  • 100% local