Manage a virtual attack on your own premises, converted into a crisis unit!
A Serious Game (or Business Game), on your premises, with crisis management professionals. You'll experience virtual immersion at the heart of a high-security mission.
Our Best-Seller (geopolitical mission): During this completely innovative and unprecedented Team Building, exfil a CAC40 boss who has been sequestered in a foreign prison!
A thrilling and immersive Team Building adventure, during which you will infiltrate a crisis unit! For a high-security defence mission.
The concept and description of the activity :
Imagine... 4 hours to solve a crisis in a specially equipped room...
A real HQ, on our premises or in your meeting rooms. Noise, alarms, documents, realistic videos, telephones and real people to talk to.
You're there to reinforce the crisis unit.
And then the beeper goes off. Your Mission is triggered. You run to the crisis room to take action...
Spend 4 hours immersed with the animation teams. You'll be welcomed by your crisis team, who'll take care of everything!
To help you... or not... Your mission!
Nothing will give you the impression that it's all been played out. Time is of the essence here! And above all, your group cohesion!
You're going to have to manage a crisis unit!
Just like in the film "The Game", you'll find yourself in a real-life scenario! And there's nothing to make you think it's fake!
The equipment in the rooms, the staff around you, the tension, the equipment around you... everything will impress you and immerse you in this world.
Former Raid and/or DGSE agents will challenge you to manage a life-size crisis unit!
Rapid decision-making, efficient communication, enhanced defence strategy...
Possible scenarios:
GEOPOLITICS : You will have to manage the international exfiltration of a CAC40 company boss. The clock is ticking and our client's life depends on your actions: cohesion, strategy, decision-making and negotiation.
MEDICAL: You're going to have to manage a medical crisis!
Hold your breath, manage your heart rate, the patient's life depends on your decisions: Influence, Logistics, Decision, Negotiation, Cold blood...
CYBERSECURITY: You'll have to manage a real-life cybersecurity attack: rapid decision-making, efficient communication, increased defence strategy...
Possible scenario in a Manor: See the description of this scenario here!
eCONOMICS: You'll have to manage an international financial crisis: meetings, board meetings, interbank negotiations, bodyguards, document retrieval, signing agreements, etc.
MEDIA: You will have to manage a media crisis for a large, well-known group: Influential communication, Management of social networks, Rapid impact of decisions, etc.
ECOLOGICAL: You will have to manage an ecological crisis in an African country. it's up to you to save the local population: agility, initiative, decision-making, vision, interpersonal skills.
The benefits
Gamification brings out instinctive reactions.
The pace of the story forces the team to work together.
Real-time analysis and immediate, personalised debriefing provide feedback on performance.
The benefits
You take part in an extra-innovative Team Building experience. With scenarios that your teams have never experienced before, inspired by real-life situations. And led by a real crisis team. Realism is pushed to the limit.
Could this be the craziest business in France? There's no doubt that this is the most unpredictable and unsuspected Team Building activity you can offer your colleagues!
A real adventure inspired by real-life situations. Can also be organised as part of a company seminar!
The venue: A meeting room. A large room. The venue of your choice. As long as we can install screens and equipment that only need sockets.
Of course, we can set up this mission at the location of your choice. Anywhere in France.
Possible scenario in a manor house: link
Minimum and maximum capacity: 6 to 300 people
Duration: 4 to 48 hours, depending on your requirements.
Requirements: Screen in a meeting room. Ideally, a videoconferencing kit.
75010 Paris
Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Paris, Autres villes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon, Normandie, Hautes-Alpes, Nice - Côte d'Azur