
A very special Murder Party, combining games and investigation, in the Paris region!

A life-size Cluedo where the suspects are played by the guests.

This event is pure team building.

Both the detectives and the suspects are members of the company, and everyone participates and is put into a situation.

Unlike traditional Murder Parties, you are not watching a show!

There's no "immersive theatre" here. There are plenty of suspects! Which makes the scenarios more captivating and complex.

There are 7 suspects in each scenario.

Games" are included in each scenario.

For example :

Games of skill: Croquet - Jenga - Mikado - Cords - Memory

Coordination: Puzzle - Rubik's cube

General knowledge and creativity: Quiz - Identification of semi-precious stones - Recognition of master paintings - Karaoke

Senses: Scent recognition

Observation: Auction - Fingerprinting

There is one host for every 20 players.

(2 facilitators for 21 to 40 players, 3 facilitators for 41 to 60 players...)

4 game themes:

- CENTURY OF LIGHT - Dangerous houses

On 23 June 1765, the festivities in honour of St John's Day orchestrated by Madame de Rosemonde at her château in Laclos turned tragic.

The President of the Court of Dijon died suddenly without even tasting his dessert.

As the Marquise had been thoughtful enough to give her people the evening off, only those present at this intimate supper could be subject to suspicion.

To spare our hostess the dishonourable affront of an investigation by the men-at-arms, the noble assembly reunited by the Prefect will be keen to support the Marquise in this ordeal and to unravel this mystery with the utmost discretion.

POLAR - Du rififi à Pigalle - Paris, 1953.

Marcel Jambier, known as Marcel le Taulier, has been killed in his cabaret in the rue des Frangines, in the heart of Pigalle.

Respected, but also feared by many, le Taulier did not only have friends in the milieu.

But who could have hit him in the buffet without anyone noticing?

7 suspects have been detained by the chickens, led by Inspector Magret.

But the cops are swimming in soup. it's up to you to set them free, by interrogating these zigs who think they're big shots, using your own methods.

DISCO - Miami boat - 1982

The cruise off the coast of Florida doesn't go exactly to plan.

Connie Tramp, the famous fitness priestess who has turned to music, is found murdered in her cabin, the heel of her golden pumps stuck between her eyes.

Which of the yachtsmen has given up sunbathing at the pool and left the disco to murder the aerobics star?

It's up to the passengers aboard the American Princess to get to the bottom of this mysterious affair and reveal the perpetrator of this heinous crime.

CONTEMPORARY - The experts

Rocky, France's biggest singing star, is preparing his comeback with a much-anticipated new album.

But just after lunch, the singer is found dead in his recording studio.

Near the body, in bloody letters, an enigmatic inscription accused the studio's caretaker of this crime, which plunged the music world into mourning.

The security guard's lawyer, appointed by the court, refuses to believe in his client's guilt.

The most seasoned experts in the French police force are called in urgently to solve this enigma as quickly as possible.

They will have to use all their talent to catch whoever is guilty of silencing the country's most famous voice.

How does it work?

Held during a meeting or seminar organised by a company, a murder party is a game that involves solving an enigma presented by one or more presenters.

This detective story, also known as Giant Clue, gives company staff the opportunity to meet and get to know each other in a different setting.the teams develop an approach and a method for tackling the task entrusted to them.

This investigation includes an interrogation phase, during which the investigators question suspects chosen from among their work colleagues, followed by a phase of fun tests, which enables them to obtain clues.

Sharing, exchange and cohesion are the major assets required to successfully complete an investigation and reveal the keys to the enigma.

How does a Giant Cluedo / Murder party work?

The main host brings together the suspects defined in advance by the client. He or she presents the context of the mystery and then assigns roles to all the participants.

The moderation team forms the teams of investigators and gives them the first elements of their mission.

The suspects are introduced to the investigators, and must submit to their questioning.

The teams of investigators, as well as the one formed by the suspects, then obtain clues by competing in fun tests related to the theme of the scenario.

After deliberating, the teams present their conclusions to all the participants.

Finally, the entertainment team reveals the solution to the enigma and congratulates the most perceptive investigators.

Why hold a Murder Party?

Whether in the evening, during the day or over a meal, a murder party is a team-building activity designed to strengthen the bonds, cohesion and unity of a team.

Based on a pre-written scenario, participants have to use their wits and their sense of sharing to bring their investigation to a successful conclusion.


In Paris and the Paris region. We can also travel throughout most of France.

Ideal on your premises or at your seminar venue.

Also possible at your company party, in conjunction with a cocktail reception, for example.


75010 Paris

Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Paris, Autres villes, Nantes, Lyon, Normandie

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