Right on your premises, solve the riddles in the time allowed!
Take part in this escape game in teams and solve all the riddles in the allotted time. A nomadic Team Building from Monaco to Marseille.
All participants play simultaneously in the same space. Final mission: Set the time machine in motion.
1. Team formation: By drawing lots or according to the lists provided.
2. Briefing and distribution of equipment:
- Each team receives essential accessories (documents, clues, tools, tablet).
- The game master supervises and provides additional clues if necessary.
3. Start of the game:
- The teams examine the objects, read the documents and use the tablet to access additional information.
- Some puzzles require interaction with mechanisms.
4. Final goal: Solve all the puzzles and configure the time machine to return to our reality.
5. End of game: The application displays the actual game time and penalties for wrong answers.
To win, each team will have to demonstrate its communication, listening, analysis and stress management skills.
The various mechanics of our puzzles will allow each participant to play an active role in the collective success!
Duration : 60 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your preferences.
Capacity: 6 to 150 people
Teams: 6 to 10 people
Interaction: props, documents, tablet, mechanisms.
Available in French or English.
Included: tablets - facilitators - game accessories - tables on request
Throughout the PACA region.
06000 Nice