
To make a large number of employees aware of the key concepts of disability in the workplace in a fun and interactive way.

No more classical quizzes, we bring it to life thanks to two actor trainers.


Emotional experience via a theatre scene, which reinforces the messages and improves the quality of exchanges.

The 30-minute scene is interrupted about ten times to give way to a game and quiz. Your employees are equipped with voting boxes or vote via Klaxoon if remote. The answers to the quiz are given after the scene.


Victoire has made an appointment with the MDPH following the recommendation of her occupational physician, whom she has known well for years.

She doesn't really see what she's doing here, she doesn't feel disabled.

She just had a serious car accident a year ago and everything is getting better and better...

Concepts covered:

- Definition of disability,

- Differentiation between visible and invisible disabilities,

- The framework of the 2005 law and the OETH,

- Acceptance of disability,

- How to be recognised as disabled,

- Disability and stereotypes,

- The RQTH and the rights attached to the RQTH,

- The 4 forms of disability compensation,

- Adapting the workstation, etc.

Up to 200 people per session.

From 35 minutes to 1 hour.

In Paris and its region. Also possible anywhere in France. (via accommodation and meal expenses)


75001 Paris

Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Paris, Autres villes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon, Normandie, Hautes-Alpes, Nice - Côte d'Azur

Les garanties Whereez

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No reservation fees
  • Services tested and approved by Whereez
  • Secured transactions
  • Service 7 days a week
  • 100% local