A game of strategy, cooperation and communication.
Offer your employees a moment of cohesion during an Ice Breaker during your evening.
Thanks to giant board games, the teams have to take up 4 missions that respond to the problems encountered in the field of operations: observation, communication, time management and space management.
To launch a seminar or a meeting on a challenging note while creating a dynamic of communication and cooperation between the participants.
How it works
The players, divided into teams of 6 to 8, must complete 4 missions displayed on 4 giant game boards.
A game master welcomes them and accompanies them. They have only 9 minutes to complete each mission and to shine with their skills and team spirit.
Course of the game
The participants are welcomed by the animators dressed in military uniforms.
They are told that they are there to take a recruitment test as a team.
They will have to show cooperation and communication: the whole team succeeds or fails at the end of the game.
- Each mission is represented by a game board: observation, communication, time management, space management.
Each mission lasts 10 minutes to keep a dynamic rhythm.
- At the end of all the missions, the facilitators determine which teams have been the most successful over the whole game, and select the winning teams.
A meeting room, amphitheatre, café or restaurant, with 2 tables (office type) per team of 6 to 8 people.
Video broadcasting equipment desired (not compulsory).
Presence of a trained facilitator to lead a feedback session
Reward for the 3 winning teams (organic and artisanal chocolates)
Photo report
Room reservation & catering
From 5 to 80 players.
Duration: 50 minutes
75001 Paris