
Create your company logo! And become real artists!

Description :

1. Starting with the name of a company, a brand, a team... brainstorm collectively on the values - the qualities that it represents.

2. Discover the technique of collage through the use of materials and magazines.

3. Create inspiration boards representing each letter of the brand/company name and the associations of ideas around the chosen value in a collective way.

4. Finally, reformulate the identity of your brand/company.

Duration: 2 hours

Capacity: 1 artist facilitator for 1 group of 15/20 people maximum.

The number of facilitators can then be multiplied.

No room constraints: this workshop can be organised in the same large room (ideally not more than 70/80 people).


- to create a common memory

- reflect together on the values and culture of the company

- re-engage employees and develop a sense of belonging

- develop creativity


92120 Montrouge

Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Paris, Autres villes, Nantes, Lyon, Normandie

Les garanties Whereez

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No reservation fees
  • Services tested and approved by Whereez
  • Secured transactions
  • Service 7 days a week
  • 100% local