
An art workshop to turn your colleagues into real artists! Learn how to draw comics!

Description :

1. From brainstorming to storyboarding: Define a common company theme together.

In sub-groups: find the right idea and write your sketch in a humorous tone

2. Drawing techniques - illustration taught by the artist illustrator.

Discovery of the world of press illustration / comics & introduction to portrait techniques.

3. Moving on to drawing: after a practice session, draw the sketches and illustrate the protagonists of the story!

Duration: 2 or 3 hours

Capacity: 1 artist facilitator for 1 group up to 20 people max

Expected results:

- working on a collective project

- stimulate creativity

- reveal talents

- open-mindedness

- create a common memory


92120 Montrouge

Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Paris, Autres villes, Nantes, Lyon, Normandie

Les garanties Whereez

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No reservation fees
  • Services tested and approved by Whereez
  • Secured transactions
  • Service 7 days a week
  • 100% local