
Travels throughout the region, from Bordeaux to Toulouse.

This is the workshop that will turn you into a real theatre actor!

Assert your voice in front of others. Finding the right response at the right time. Knowing how to situate yourself on a stage. Assume your character.

This is an exciting workshop that combines theatre and physical expression, although the two are already linked.

2 possible workshops:

THE CHARACTER: Building your character to play freely.

Listening to oneself and learning to know oneself, to better surpass oneself, to let one's madness speak, to free one's imagination... to build and make a character live, whatever it is.

To play and play with limits, to exist, to have fun, to surpass oneself.

THE APPROACH TO THE STAGE: An overview of the techniques essential to a serene approach to the stage.

On one side, your body, your voice, your emotions.

On the other hand, the stage, the spectator, the story, the character...

We will cover a wide range of elements to enable you to get to know yourself better, to let go, to express yourself and to be heard and listened to by your audience.

All this without forgetting to have fun.


33000 Bordeaux

Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Toulouse, Bordeaux

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