Become the author you dreamed of being!
A creative writing workshop is a playful activity that consists of following the rules of the game proposed by the workshop leader, with the aim of creating texts with a poetic, comic and/or narrative scope.
The workshop leader approaches self-writing with great tact, humour and friendliness.
She is used to accompanying people in their writing, but she also knows how to enlighten participants on the literary and rhetorical qualities of their texts.
Her aim is for everyone to have fun and surprise themselves before surprising others!
4 workshops to choose from:
- Monday 7-9pm: Fictions & Variations: Writing Narratives
We explore all forms of narrative and gradually learn to compose a story. Through the practice of writing games, we approach a technical notion (characters, narrators' voices, narrative focus, duration, time of a text, etc.). At the end of each session, a micro-fiction is designed.
- Tuesday 7-9pm: Writing the self: in the artist's studio
From diary to autobiography, via self-fiction, testimony etc., we will see how the material of reality can become narrative and even, why not, lead us to fiction. By exploring different media and approaches (report, story, nursery rhyme, poetry, autobiography, travel diary, etc.) we will create literary texts that will allow us to discover another side of ourselves.
- Tuesday 7-9pm: Storytelling techniques: Writing micro-fiction
To create fiction, you have to start somewhere. This somewhere has to be searched for, looked for, caught. This workshop allows you to learn storytelling techniques through stimulating practical games. At the end of each session, a micro-fiction is created.
- Wednesday 7-9pm: Ratures & Literatures: Storytelling triggers
We erase, we read our erasures and we talk about literature. More than a writing workshop, this is a real engine of the imagination. We write stories and discover how they fit into the literary field. Each theme opens up new avenues for storytelling. You discover selected authors and you get out of your writing habits, to encounter unknown worlds.
16 rue Geoffroy l'Angevin 75004 Paris