Am I crazy?
With my toes outstretched and the sea in front of me, a lightly alcoholic fruit cocktail in one hand, a magazine in the other, my thoughts turn to... my colleagues!
Yes, yes, my office colleagues. This workspace where, every day of the year, my escapes transport me, for the space of a few seconds, to that famous idyllic beach. The beach where my well-being is blossoming at this very moment.
And here I am, thinking about the office!
Don't worry: thinking about the office doesn't mean thinking about work!
No, it's not the sight of my colleagues in front of their computers that's keeping me away from the fine sand! No, it's not the memory of meetings, calls, To Do's or other overused Anglicisms either.
But how can I forget?
How can I forget Charlène riding a broom during a Quidditch initiation?
How can we forget the boss, axe in hand, missing the target during that incredible axe-throwing competition last Spring?
How can we forget the shy trainee, asking all the passers-by for help to win the team treasure hunt through the Passages Couverts in Paris?
And above all, how can we not think about what's in store for us at the start of the new school year in September?
Rumours are rife. Some are talking about an introduction to beekeeping. Others are even talking about an unlikely survival course in the middle of the forest.
But I'm ready for anything. Prepared for the worst and the best. Impatient. Like a child on 23 December!
Last night, I spotted a Virtual Reality room... From now on, I'll be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary! Strangely enough, leisure activities remind me of the office...
It's rather pleasant. De-stressing! I'm no longer like a schoolboy dreading his first day at school!
Motivated for this unusual start to the new school year! You can call me Bryan the Brave!