Escape Game - La Buse: Find the lost treasure Activity


THE BUSE: Find the lost treasure!

Join forces to solve a series of riddles!

Search: 2.5/5 - Manipulation: 3/5 - Thinking: 5/5


Immerse yourself in the intriguing world of the famous buccaneer La Buse and try to solve the mystery...

Did you think his treasure would be easily accessible once you had decoded his cryptogram?

But that was without counting on the ingenuity of this famous pirate to hide his loot! You've got the time of an hourglass to find his legendary loot and get out of this mysterious depot, which you weren't expecting...

You'll be immersed in a themed, hyper-realistic play space. Decorated with care and passion.

Develop your team spirit: The escape game is an activity that requires teamwork. Exchanging information, cooperating and communicating are the keys to successfully completing your mission.

You decide the composition of your team. You will only be with each other during this game.

minimum age required: 11 years (1 adult for 1 child recommended) and 16 years and over with no adult supervision required


6 players: €22/pers.

5 players: €25/person

4 players: €28/person

3 players: €32/person

Post review

32 bis rue Claude Chappe ZAE 2000, 97420 Le Port, La Réunion

Cancellation policy


Toute annulation par l’Explorateur dans un délai:

  • inférieur à 7 jours calendaires avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, ne donne droit à aucun remboursement
  • compris entre 7 et 15 jours calendaires avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, donne droit au remboursement de 50 % du montant de la Réservation
  • supérieur à 15 jours calendaires avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, donne droit au remboursement de 100 % du montant de la Réservation.
A partir de 22/pers.
Durée : 01h
Price per person: N/A
Reserved place: N/A
Total: N/A
Gift card

Whereez' guarantees

  • Best price guaranteed

  • No reservation fees

  • Tested and approved by Whereez

  • Secure transaction

  • Customer service 7d/7

  • 100% local
