Anti-Gaspi sweet or savoury activities and cookery workshops Group activity


Challenge yourselves in teams! Who will make the dish that most respects anti-waste values?

Discover fun, participative activities to raise awareness of food waste.

Involve your teams in a CSR approach and raise awareness of the food waste generated directly in your kitchen.

- Cooking workshops,

- Quizzes (counting points, winning team),

- Tastings...

Example of a "Challenge Menu":

Aperitif: radish hummus and crackers

Starter: leek, chickpea and kale salad

Main course: Cannelloni of leek greens

Dessert : Chocolate mousse made with chickpea juice.

Examples of sweet anti-gaspi recipes:

- Stale bread muffins

- Peel crisps

- Chocolate beggars

Duration: 30 minutes, 2 hours or all day

From 5 to 200 people

tailor-made events. At your workplace or outside.

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  • No reservation fees

  • Tested and approved by Whereez

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