
Interactive gamified and personalised climate conference.

The Climate Pitch Conference: the way to raise awareness about climate change in your company.

Raise awareness on climate change and engage your employees in the implementation of a low-carbon strategy.

A conference designed to raise awareness of climate change among an audience of 20 to 500 participants (or more!), to enable them to bounce back in a positive way and to commit to the transformation of their company.

How does the event work?

In the form of a guided initiatory course including an interactive quiz and which can integrate up to more than 1000 people.

The session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes in 3 phases using the interactive MENTIMETER platform:

1. Intro and warm-up

Discover the process and the principle of the animation based on interactive visual storytelling.

2. Explanations and quiz

Follow the presenter and go through the causes and consequences of climate change in an interactive and fun way.

3. Debrief and take action

Learn and exchange with the other participants on how to take action individually, collectively and within your company.

Seminar / Kick Off / CSR Day etc.

In French or English.

Duration: 60 to 90 minutes depending on the format chosen.


75005 Paris

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