Creole Cuisine Workshop - Saint-Gilles Activity


A Creole cooking workshop in Saint-Gilles! Take part in a real cooking workshop in the shoes of a Réunionese chef!

Are you on holiday in Réunion? Have you just moved to the island? Or are you from Réunion and just want to practise your favourite cuisine in ideal conditions? Come and discover the typical dishes of Creole cuisine and its key ingredients: combava, kaloupilé, 4 spices...

The Brigade will be delighted to welcome you to its workshop in Saint-Gilles-les-bains.

Our recipes are designed to ensure the authenticity and feasibility of the dishes we prepare.

We provide all the utensils and ingredients from organic or sustainable farming needed to make the carry and rougails.

Each workshop can accommodate up to 10 participants and lasts on average between 1h30 and 2h00 depending on the traditional dish chosen.


- 3h30 of fun and tasty activities based on the great classics of Réunionese cuisine:


Sausage rougail

Chicken curry

- All-inclusive: ingredients, equipment and authenticity guaranteed!

- Recipe accessible to all (whatever your level)

+ FREE welcome drink

At the end of the workshop, you'll leave with your creations and the recipe for reproducing the techniques and specialities you've learned at home.

Spice up your holidays with family and friends with delicious Creole dishes!

Post review

30 Rue des Navigateurs 97434 Saint-Gilles

Cancellation policy


Toute annulation par l’Explorateur dans un délai:

  • inférieur à 7 jours calendaires avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, ne donne droit à aucun remboursement
  • compris entre 7 et 15 jours calendaires avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, donne droit au remboursement de 50 % du montant de la Réservation
  • supérieur à 15 jours calendaires avant le début de l’Expérience réservée, donne droit au remboursement de 100 % du montant de la Réservation.
A partir de 49/pers.
Durée : 03h30
Price per person: N/A
Reserved place: N/A
Total: N/A
Gift card

Whereez' guarantees

  • Best price guaranteed

  • No reservation fees

  • Tested and approved by Whereez

  • Secure transaction

  • Customer service 7d/7

  • 100% local
