Playfully raising awareness of the environmental issues surrounding our waste
It's a fun, collaborative workshop lasting 2.5 hours, with a teaching approach similar to that of La Fresque du Climat.
The aim of this "serious game" is to raise awareness and educate participants about the environmental issues surrounding our waste.
The workshop also aims to explain the broad outlines of the actions that need to be taken to understand the impact of our consumption patterns, and then to open up discussions on the subject between the participants.
A real team-building tool, this workshop enables participants to come together to learn about sustainable digital technology.
part 1: Understanding - 1h15 (with introduction)
In teams of 4 to 8, participants identify and then draw the links between the cards in the game to build a real "Fresco".
part 2: Creativity - 15 min
Participants illustrate their points and key messages, and choose a title together, to take ownership of the content and create a team spirit.
part 3: Feedback - 5 min
Each group explains the title of its fresco and its decoration, then the facilitator makes an oral correction of the fresco created.
4th part: Actions - 1h (with conclusion)
The participants write down the solutions they can think of to respond to the problems seen previously.
Action/solution cards are proposed if these do not emerge from the proposals.
Participants discuss the actions they have already taken or would like to take. As an option, participants can play the household game, asking them to think of themselves as a family and work together to adapt their lifestyles. Based on the actions that their family will have received and that they will have to put in place.
Capacity: This collaborative game is supervised by a professional facilitator who can lead one or two tables. Each table can have between 5 and 8 participants. A facilitator can therefore lead from 5 to 16 participants.
(Several facilitators are possible)
Duration: 02h30
Requirements: 1 or 2 3m x 1m tables without chairs.
Face-to-face: 2 tables maximum per presenter in the same room.
Remote: 1 table per presenter (maximum 8 participants)
75004 Paris
Prestation disponible en France Métropolitaine dans les régions suivantes: Paris, Autres villes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon, Normandie, Hautes-Alpes, Nice - Côte d'Azur